Misa Song
Born in Tokyo, in 1976.
Since the time I studied analytic philosophy in university, I've been trying to find anything in language which cannot be explained by logical or semantic theories. I believe that any human language carries more than meanings or logical sequences in itself -- it can be TIME, AIR, SPACE or IMPRESSIONS -- and I know definitely any great work of literature is connotating them.
Sometime, moments of impression which we have when we meet good literature or any other great artistic work can be felt as a momentary encounter with a shadow of myself-in-other-possible-world who took the other way in each of the many branching points in the past. It comes with a strange feeling that is very similar to an ache or a relief in glimpsing myselves-in-other-worlds whom we never see in our usual life -- or, could it be NOSTALGIA? Anyway, I love such feelings, and hope I can keep it in translated words, too.
Favorite Writers:
Lovecraft, Kobo ABE, Garcia Marquez, Steve Erickson, Philip K Dick, Steven Millhauser, Thomas Pynchon
Favorite Beer:
Sapporo Classic, Kirin Classic Lager, Anchor Steam, and Leffe
Favorite Whiskey:
Lagavulin, Ardbeg, Yamazaki, some whiskey from Duncan Taylor, any whiskey of Japanese oak "Mizunara"
Other favorite things: CONTAX Aria, ground nadir, David Lynch, Peter Greenaway, David Cronenberg, San Jose Sharks, Lee Morgan, Monty Python, strong coffee, soy milk, Thai cuisine, spice and herbs, sweet basil, coriander, vinegar, falling cherry petals, air in autumn, fish bowel, laver, dim-sum, Brahms Symphony Nr. 2, Eric Dolphy, John Coltrane, Ornette Coleman, Massive Attack, Rakugo, SpongeBob SquarePants, gigantic architecture, Jan Svankmajer, burnt cheese, burnt rice, burnt oil.